The link between badgers and waffles

Labels: Cul de Sac
Labels: Cul de Sac
Labels: B.C.
Labels: Cul de Sac
Labels: Mother Goose and Grimm, Sherman's Lagoon
A poster asked if I'd seen Arctic Circle. Yep, I have a folder from the syndicate. It went over so-so in the office. Thanks for reminding me to check in on it and see how it's coming along.
Labels: Alex Hallatt, Arctic Circle
I mentioned yesterday there was an online interview with former Gazette editorial cartoonist Chuck Asay. It's a bummer we don't have a staff cartoonist, especially for local issues. Now I read on The Daily Cartoonist that another former colleague lost his job cartooning for the editorial pages.
Labels: editorial cartoonists, Gordon Campbell
Labels: For Better or For Worse, Luann
Chuck Asay, former Gazette editorial cartoonist whose work still appears in our paper through syndication, did an e-mail interview with Charles Brubaker, Baitu creator and blogger.
Labels: Chuck Asay
Labels: Non Sequitur
Requests come in from time to time for Lio creator Mark Tatulli's other strip, Heart of the City.
Labels: heart of the city
Just got a call from a guy who said he has been disturbed by the test comics so far. He suggested we run "Day by Day" by Chris Muir.
Labels: Day By Day
A faithful comics reader commented on yesterday's posting and called to say she'd like us to consider running "Curtis" on our pages. I read it now and then. What do you think?
Labels: curtis
Well, somehow wires got crossed at the paginators and our new test comics didn't make today's paper. We should be squared away for tomorrow, though.