Agnes makes me laugh
I've heard from a few Agnes fans. You can look through archives here.
So far, there's not much of a local fan base for Family Tree. A bit more for Cul de Sac, but nothing definitive. Readers are all over the map in their requests. My favorites so far are people who demand "no more animals!"
Here are a couple of comments about Cul de Sac on Dog eat Doug creator Brian Anderson's site. Interesting note: Two readers who say they don't enjoy Cul de Sac mentioned they like Dog eat Doug. Now we know DeD's Anderson is a Cul de Sac fan.
He also point to a strip that made me laugh out loud just now: Stewart the Bison by Scott Metzger. Here it is (oops, more animals!) :

Labels: Agnes, Dog eat Doug, Stewart the Bison
I have tried to laugh at Cul de Sac and Family Tree, and after one week I did not even chuckle. Toss em' now and bring back Brevity! Please do not wait 8 weeks!
Check out these glowing reviews of Cul De Sac I found. Even the snarky Onion has good things to say.
Try this
The Onion post has like 230+ comments
Both Cul de Sac and Family Tree are NOT funny - get them off the Gazette pages NOW!!
I really do not care for the Family Tree. It seems that cartoonists just aren't as clever as some of the old ones.
Other strips I do not enjoy. are Get Fuzzy (a neurotic, nasty cat), Family Circus (same concept in a panel too many times), Lio (I don't get it), Diesel Sweeties (seldom clever) and Rose Is Rose (same concept too many times. At this point, my favorite is probably Lola. I think Peanuts is wonderful for the new teens to be exposed to his clever and dry humor at times.
I really enjoy Agnes, I sincerely hope you keep this comic strip!
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