Get your Hagar fix

For you Hagar fans, here's today's strip. Hope it makes you chuckle.
I've contacted the company that paginates our comics-puzzles pages. Someone there grabbed The Gazette's pages and sent them down here to be printed before checking with his/her supervisor. That's how we got pages without Hagar. He should return with his antics in tomorrow's Food section.
Labels: Hagar the Horrible
As to new try-outs. There are two that are very expendable and,from my contact with others, few read; Diesel Sweetie and Lio. One that infuriates many adults and parents (who do actually buy this paper); Zits, and two that are of little interest, Get Fuzzy and Baldo. Frank and Earnest is enjoyable, some genuine humor there at times, and,to me, a keeper. Wizard is better than some you've kept and the new ones, on brief exposure, not worth keeping. John Hobson
I read all the comics every day except For Better or Worse, Funky Winkerbean, and Mutts. I have not enjoyed any of the 3 days worth of Family Tree and Cul de Sac, and will stop reading them. Frank and Ernest was one of my very favorite strips, if not THE favorite. If you had to add the two new ones, I would rather you would have replaced one of the three strips above. Thanks for trying to improve (you can amuse some of the people some of the time...).
After two days, I can't say that "Family Tree" or "Cul De Sac" will be on my daily reading list. Would like to see Wizard of Id and Frank & Ernest return and lose "Pooch Cafe" and "Peanuts" -- Peanuts was good, but it's in RERUNS. Let's move on.
I agree with both anonymous's that have written today. I really like zits though.
don't ever badmouth Pooch.
Well, 2 months of test strips may be too much, but I think we need to give a strip at least a month before we say yay or nay.
Diesel Sweeties and Lio have dedicated fans - but they're not fans, by and large, who read older strips. So, cutting those infuriates people who, generally speaking, couldn't care less whether Wizard runs or BC runs or Marmaduke runs or Blondie, Beetle, Family Circus...
I like Frank & Ernest, too, and I was bummed it didn't do well in our last survey. As I recall, it didn't do well 3 years ago, either. I'm not ready to replace anything permanently until I get more feedback, so thanks for sharing yours.
Anonymous says Zits infuriates adults and parents, and I haven't found that to be true. It's most popular with readers who are prime parenting age - especially prime age for parenting teens.
It isn't too popular with readers who might logically be grandparents, though. No surprise there.
Anyone out there know of a strip that elementary school age kids like as much as Peanuts?
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