math and science humor
Saw a link off the Comics Curmudgeon for this comic, "xkcd" (described as a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language) (i'm in love!), and had to share it. Had to send a link to my desktop for regular updates.
It's been a rough coupla weeks (just started a new job here at The Gaz), but I hope to get back on track here at "in good humor." It's time to pick a couple of new strips for the Comics Test Center in The Gazette. There's been fairly good support for "F Minus" these last few weeks. Moderate support for "Agnes." And increasing support for "Cul de Sac," which could be the sleeper hit here. I mean, how can you not like this?:
Of COURSE that's what the gate is for!
Here's a look at another new fave, "The Argyle Sweater."

I'll ask to see if we can test it, but I think my buddy John at Universal Press is going to say, "Dena, if you like it so much, buy it." Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, as we know: My tastes do not necessarily reflect the tastes of Gazette readers.
I've heard from someone who wants to see "Crankshaft" and someone who wants "Piranha Club." A few folks egging me to get other web comics into print.
Send your ideas and I'll start making pitches to the syndicates. Any more votes for "Daddy's Home"??

Labels: Agnes, Argyle Sweater, Crankshaft, Cul de Sac, Daddy's Home, F Minus, Piranha Club
How can anyone feel lukewarm about Agnes--She reminds me of so many ornery females, myself included!
Argyle and Cul De Sac, maybe Agnes
You know what? I can't complain about whatever new strips get put in the paper. Some of my favorites are already on the pages, so anything else is gravy.
bring back "daddy's home"!
Yeah, Daddy's Home is good stuff! I read it when I was in Washington DC for school last month. The Wash Post ran it in place of Doonsebury while Trudeau was on vaca.
We've never run "Daddy's Home" - it's only been suggested here on the blog.
oh. I thought I missed it. Well, it's good. You should definitely consider it.
have you seen the new Daddy's Home stuff? It's getting better and better. I like these guys.
I read Daddy's Home in your paper every day. Please keep it in the paper.
Ha Ha Ha! I love the Daddy's Home Comic Strip! Always it is so funny! This has been you automated Daddy's Home appreciation spam for this day.
The previous message brought to you by Tony Rubino and Gary Markstein.
I personally can live without "Daddy's Home," but it delivers chuckles from time to time.
Too bad "Red Meat" isn't a daily strip.
How about "My Cage?" It's relatively new (though you've probably seen it, if you visit the Comics Curmudgeon from time to time), but it's quite good, in my opinion. Good artwork, character-based humor, and quite a few clever puns--what's not to like? We don't need more strips trying to be "The Far Side" (and failing horribly)--we already have "Tundra" for that.
I am glad that "Family Tree" seems to be out of the picture (except for the Sunday strips?). The humor was mediocre, but the art is what got me--it wasn't that it was terrible art, like that of "Momma" or "Crock"; it was just ugly (apologies for my rudeness).
(I also like Cul de Sac)
wanted to say that the current picks are a bigger hit at our house than the first two- we are daily comic readers- thanks for trying new stuff!
Did anyone see last week's Daddy's home where the Dad took his laptop into the bathroom with him?
Fu-u-u-neeee! I like that strip more and more. Been reading it on "GoComics" .
I was recently on a trip to Neptune and I read Daddy's Home in a local daily newspaper whose name I can't remember ... I was a bit preoccupied with the lack of oxygen so forgive me.
I think it would be great if you ran Daddy's Home stacked one on top of the other so you could read it more than once.
I like that we are changing things up in the daily strip. I cant wait to see what our options are after Agnes and F minus (neither of which are very good). Family Tree is nice on Sundays but I wouldn't want to read it every day. Keep them coming! :)
I just read the Daddy's home samples. They're funny! What the heck did you do with that one? Bring it back!
With vehemence I say, Daddy's Home is gutbustingly chuckle-icious! Always the needle in my laff-o-meter goes past 11 and I gag with happiness when I view antics in Daddy's Home! Place it in your paper instantly! This is a spontanteous testimonial from satisfied Daddy's Home customer who has no connection to any syndicate employee!
Greetings, Humans, this is God. I just stopped by to say that Daddy's Home has my full endorsement. All other comics should go to he!!. LOL
DO NOT QUESTION MY WORD! If you do not abide by my creed, I shall plague your comics pages with dead white men whose estates are reaping the reward from the creative inanity of their properties because they want to keep their unemployable sons busy!
I just heard about this great new comic "Daddy's Home." Did you know it cures all disease and world hunger?
Where's Dena?
I am a 55 year old male, have been enjoying comics all of my life. I didn't think either Agnes or F Minus were very funny, would look for others.
Also, I would replace Mutts, Lola,Pearls Before Swine,Pooch Cafe, Diesel Sweeties and Baldo.
The problem with most editorial cartoonists, is that if they are good, they will piss off everyone at some point. The owners must have a sense of humor and be willing to support that person despite complaints. The Gazette must be a strange, twilight kind of place to work...
I keep trying to like Agnes---and I just can't. (I'm a female, but not very ornery). I LOVE F-minus. It looks so...lame... until you read it and hits you with a great line. I'd like to see Crankshaft too.
Come back, Dena, we miss you!
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