Scott Adams nails it

Whoa, that's harsh. But who hasn't been there!? Man, I love that first panel. The look on the guy's face and the coffee splashing out. So simple, so biting. Humor that provokes a nervous laugh in cubicleland.
Labels: Dilbert
Labels: Dilbert
something about his art that I love -- sure it;s simple but it's very effective. Helps that he's a great and funny writer --- ever read his blog?
I pop into Scott's blog now and then. Always interesting. Your comment prompted a quick visit.
check out Money or Bombs and CEO Selection. Priceless.
dena come back we miss your posts!
I have always found Dilbert to be simplistic, and Scott Adams' politics reflect that.
I agree with Billy O. that we need more posts on this blog.
Sorry for the lapse, comics fans, it has been a hectic few weeks. Curling in DC, working with the disabled vets in Snowmass, and then returning to layoffs and a reorganizing newsroom. (And people wonder why I read Dilbert!)
Never a dull moment. Don't know if I'll be the one to continue this in the new world order, but for now, I'm back.
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