Attention Pikes Peak area comics fans

I have to tell you I'm having fun reading your comments and following your links to other strips and commentaries about comics and the comics pages.
To reward you folks who are participating on the blog, I'm offering collections of comics that come to me from various syndicates.
I'll list the books I have. I'll hand them out to local folks who tell me why they love specific comics.
There's no deadline, it'll be an ongoing thing.
You can post your comments here and then e-mail me that you want to be included in this informal sort of competition, or you can simply send your comments to be via e-mail (although I'll probably use them here without your name attached).
My e-mail:
Here's the books and links to the strips:
Tundra: The Comic Strip Mother Nature Warned You About
Brevity 2: Another Collection of Comics by guy & rodd
Get Fuzzy: LoserPalooza
Mutts: Animal Friendly (A Mutts Treasury)
Edge City: A Comic Strip Collection by Terry and Patty LaBan
Zits: Rude, Crude and Tattooed
For Better or For Worse: Teaching ... is a Learning Experience!
Stone Soup: Desperate Households
Brewster Rockit: Close Encounters of the Worst Kind
Get Fuzzy: I'm Ready for My Movie Contract
Spot the Frog: It's Hard to Comb a Grass Toupee
Dilbert: Positive Attitude
Doonesbury: Welcome to the Nerd Farm!
FoxTrot: And When She Opened the Closet, All the Clothes Were Polyester!
Lio: Happiness is a Squishy Cephalopod
Dilbert: Cubes and Punishment
Funky Winkerbean: Lisa's Story, the Other Shoe
No, I totally DON'T have a Rudy Park book. I think I sold it in our annual charity sale at Christmas. But today's strip made me laugh. It's so true.
Enter away! Don't like those books? How about a box of Girl Scout cookies?
Will you PLEASE get rid of those ridiculous two "comic strips" at the top of the page and BRING BACK THE WIZARD OF ID ~ I need my daily laugh again . . .
I agree. Cul de Sac is the worst. Neither can match Wizard of Id. What happened to Bevity?
It's possible Wizard will return. There isn't what I'd call a groundswell of support, though. That said, there isn't much support for the first test comics, either, so as soon as I can arrange the next two trials, I will. Should be early March - the comics are printed ahead of time, by another company.
Brevity was dropped more than a year ago - total lack of support by readers.
I weep for a world that would make a claim for the insipid, hackneyed and stale WIzard of Id (it started in the Lyndon Johnson administration folks!) over the odd, heartwarming, delightful and unique cul de sac. Not to be a meany-pie, but strips like Wizard of Id are the reason readers under 50 are less likely to care about newspapers anymore.
The "just keep doing it the same way we did in 1972" has to be over. Let's evolve the paper. Including the comics section. Even as great as Erma Bombeck was, we don't read repeats of her, nor would we accept someone else in her place.
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